in Yahoo -- Same Sex Unions.Is there anything in the world that is more harmless than same-sex marriage? After all, it doesn't even remotely threaten any thing or any one. No matter how much the anti-gay-rights bigots whiningly LIE otherwise. People are born with their sexual orientations, so straights will just keep right on marrying their opposite-sex partners, no matter how many gays happen to marry their same-sex ones.
Valuable information for both Gays and their millions of Straight Allies can be found in this very active group
Egalitarians, unlike their doltish and bigotry-brainwashed RRR Cult counterparts, are fully aware that same-sex marriage is totally harmless, could have no adverse effect on any opposite-sex couples’ marriages, and that all of the RRR-instigated (and so-called) “Defense of Marriage” legislation is nothing but an immensely-viscious, lying, and hateful sham. The pseudo-Religious Radical Right is America’s very own version of the Taliban, and until its loathsome agendas have all been relegated to extinction (where they will join their first cousin in mindless bigotry, segregation), it will continue to pose a grave threat to the personal liberties and individual freedoms of hundreds of millions of Americans.It’s a discussion forum that advocates marriage equality for couples of same sex.
A reminder of just how dangerous they are can be seen in the way that they succeeded in reversing the polarity of the U.S. Supreme Court. For longer than any American has been alive, that Court was the greatest defender and advocate of liberty on the face of the earth. But now, thanks to the RRR’s toady, President GW Bush, it has been horribly poisoned for decades to come... against many very important personal liberties. Bush is a real piece of work! He invaded a sovereign nation under lying false pretenses, thus proving to the world that America, tragically, is no longer a benign and friendly good neighbor that can be trusted. Which earned us the enmity of billions of people, worldwide. And he then proceeded to become the worst mass-murderer the world has seen since Pol Pot. Bush has made Iraq – which had nothing to do with 9/11 – his own personal Killing Fields. At least 100,000 innocent Iraqis have been slaughtered at his commands, and no end is in sight. Even the Democratic candidates for President have proven themselves a pack of cowards by backing away from doing the right thing, and getting us the hell OUT of there, once one of them has been elected. Meanwhile we, the SHEEPLE, sit back and do nothing! Therefore, we have blood is on OUR hands, too. Every American who isn’t actively opposing this war, and demanding Congress that they present a united front to immediately end this bloodbath – is an accomplice to it! And is just as guilty as Bush, by being an accomplice.
We can’t expect any help from the U.S. Supreme Court in this, or any other matter. It has been destroyed for decades to come, as just mentioned. Thanks to Bush, and the U.S. Senate who confirmed his repressive appointees, it is very possible that no American alive today may ever again see the benevolent sort of Court that emancipated American women, via Roe vs. Wade, from being forced to gestate UNwanted pregnancies to term, against their will. Or which ended the hateful discrimination against interracial marriage in its Loving vs. Virginia decision. Or which made the ultimate demise and subsequent extinction of segregation inevitable in its key Brown vs. Board of Education decision, back in 1954. We will be very lucky if we can go another 20 years without seeing the fulfillment of George Orwell’s ghastly societal vision, in his novel, 1984 – merely a few decades later than he’d prophesied.
The issue of same-sex marriage (SSM) is one that the U.S. Supreme Court (as it existed before Bush and the Senate ruined it) could easily have settled in favor of fairness, just as it did in the case of Loving vs. Virginia, in 1967. But now, thanks to this unthinkable disaster for liberty, we (the gays and their straight allies) will have to fight tooth and nail for it – state-by-state. What a sad commentary on what America has already become, thanks to the RRR Cult, and its founder (may he suffer eternal torment for that!), the late Jerry Falwell.
Back to the Same-Sex Unions group. Its stated mission “is to secure the freedom and the right of same-sex couples to enter into legally-recognized civil marriage, having all the federal and state benefits (in all 50 States!) and responsibilities which that entails.”
Whether you are GLBT, or a Straight egalitarian ally of the gay community, I encourage you to subscribe to it, and participate in it. Let’s all unite and fight the RRR Cult and its loathsome agendas, 24/7, 365-1/4 days a year -- all the way to its well-deserved extinction!
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