Monday, November 19, 2007

TOUGH LUCK, President Bush! We’re Very Happily Blowing the Lid Right OFF of Your Tight-lipped Secrecy!

Plain and simple, Bush clearly was afraid to acknowledge that Iran’s President Ahmadinejad LIED! And thus possibly provoke him! Read on! ---

Over these last seven very dismal years, most Americans have gotten wise to "President" Bush’s
doltish stubbornness and terribly grievous mistakes. Such as his lying to the whole world about nonexistent WMD, his subsequent invasion of the sovereign nation of Iraq and slaughter of, to date, more than 100,000 of its innocent citizens – making him the worst mass-murderer the world has seen since Pol Pot, and probably staining the world’s perception of America forevermore. And his idiotic and thoughtless veto of the expansion of embryonic stem-cell research. And on and on, ad nauseum.

And then he refused to say anything about the incursion by Israel (with U.S. assistance and collusion) into Syria on September 6, 2007. At a press conference later, I’ve never heard Bush utter so many instances of "No comment" in so short a time. And now, it’s late November, and he still won’t say a word about it.

Well – tough, Bush. We have the FACTS now, and we are more than happy to tell everyone what happened, despite your moronic secrecy.

Readers – here’s the story! From The Philadelphia Trumpet
, based in Edmond, Oklahoma. Below, we quote salient excerpts from the article, entitled "Close to Armageddon," in its November-December 2007 issue.

Most journalists agree that Israeli F-151 jets made a surgical strike on a military installation inside Syria. The date was September 6.

The Syrians are not talking because they have been humiliated. Other top government officials who know about the attack are not talking either. In fact, they have never been so abnormally secretive about anything. Israel has had almost total censorship, which is nearly unheard of. Why are they so secretive?

The Spectator quoted "a very senior British ministerial source" as saying this: "If people had known that day how close we came to World War III that day, there’s have been mass panic." ... [Prime Minister Gordon] Brown really would have been dealing with the bloody book of Revelation and Armageddon" (October 3). ...

This seems to be about the worst description he could give us.

Another statement from the Spectator: "According to American sources, Israeli intelligence tracked a North Korean vessel carrying a cargo of nuclear material labeled "cement" as it travelled halfway around the world. On September 3, the ship docked at the Syrian port of Tartus, and the Israelis continued following the cargo as it was transported to the small town of Dayr az Zawr ... in northeastern Syria. ...

"Three days after the North Korean consignment arrived, the final phase of Operation Orchard was launched. With prior approval from Washington, Israeli F-151 jets were scrambled and, minutes later, the installation and its newly-arrived contents were destroyed.

"So secret were the operational details of the mission that even the pilots who were assigned to provide air cover for the strike had not been briefed on it until they were airborne." (ibid.)

The world knows that Israel has nuclear bombs and submarines with nuclear cruise missiles.

Syria already has one of the world’s deadliest stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons. It wanted the nuclear material to complete its weapons of mass destruction program. ... Syria is second only to Iran in state-sponsored terrorism. It isn’t hard to imagine Damascus giving nuclear devices to terrorists.

SIDE NOTE: One of the Bible’s most intriguing and as-yet-unfulfilled prophecies is found in Isaiah 17:1 (NIV) – An oracle concerning Damascus: "See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins." And all of the Bible’s prophecies whose time have already come, came to pass flawlessly!

One of the Trumpet’s contacts in Israel said he wondered why Israel was calling up its national guard before the September 6 attack. After he learned some sketchy details of what happened, he knew why. Israel was preparing for war – possibly a war involving WMDs. And we can’t rule out the use of nuclear weapons, even from the Arab side.

There seems to be clear evidence that the Russians had some nuclear weapons stolen. Who got them? Syria? Iran? Many journalists think it was Iran.

This problem goes much deeper than Syria and Israel. Syria is a surrogate of Iran. The king of the Muslim world is Iran.

Charles Krauthammer wrote this in his September 21 Washington Post column: "Iran’s assets in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq are poised and ready. [President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad’s message is this: If anyone dares attack our nuclear facilities, we will fully activate our proxies, unleashing unrestrained destruction on Israel, moderate Arabs, Iraq and U.S. interests – in addition to the usual, such as mining the Strait of Hormuz and causing an acute oil crisis and worldwide recession. ...

"The new president of France has declared a nuclear Iran ‘unacceptable.’ The French foreign minister warned that ‘it is necessary to prepare for the worst’ – and the worst, it’s war, sir."

France is a member of the European Union. You can see that the EU is being drawn into the Middle East vortex.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that Israel must be "wiped from the map." That statement indicates that he plans to use nuclear weapons to achieve that goal.

President George W. Bush said on October 18: "I’ve told people that, if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing [the Iranians] from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon." ...

The Middle East is rapidly becoming more volatile, and everybody knows it. We are frighteningly close to World War III.

Okay. From what we see above, the reason Bush wouldn’t comment on the strike on Syria’s nuclear facility almost surely stems from the fact that Syria IS a surrogate of Iran, and thus, an attack on Syria’s nuclear facilities would perfectly serve to trigger Ahmadinejad’s promised HUGE retaliation, as presented in red, above.

Ahmadinejad LIED!! The retaliation he promised was not carried out – even though we assisted Israel to attack a nuclear facility in one of his surrogate nations. And to this day, Bush obviously is afraid to make that known, and splash some very well-deserved OMELET on Ahmadinejad’s face.

The truth is out, GW Bush. Your "no comments" have come to naught – and I am very happy to have joined The Philadelphia Trumpet and its sources in spectacularly blowing the lid off of your cover-up!

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