If you live in Iowa, you've gotta love this, because it's running on TV ad nauseum! A campaign ad in which Mitt Romney starts out by referring to "Hillary Clinton and the Democrats."
Now, it would have been fine if he'd said, "Hillary Clinton and the other Democrats." But he didn't. Dumber than that, it doesn't get!(I invite you to click on the links within this article, as you go along. They will hugely enhance the information pertaining to the points being made herein. For your convenience, each of those will open in its own window. Thus, you can observe the content of each, and then close that window, and continue easily in this article.)
That ranks right up their with his purchase of votes, in order to artificially (and unscrupulously) "win" the Republicans' Iowa Straw Poll, back in August. He bussed people in from all over the state, free-of-charge, paid the admission fees for all of them, and lavished free eats upon them when they got there. All in return for their non-binding straw poll "vote" of support. To con Iowans and the country into thinking his candidacy was running strong. (Giuliani is FAR ahead of him, nationwide, and has been for months. But Romney is banking on his millions being able to buy the Iowa Caucus, as well as the New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries. Which, he figures, will have enough psychological impact on the campaign to position himself favorably for beating Giuliani on Tsunami Tuesday, and thereby lock up the Republican nomination. He's trying to buy the Presidency with an infusion of millions of his own dollars -- and if Americans don't get wise to this, and reject that tactic at the primary-election polling places, he could get that nomination!)And then there's his being moronic enough to have flip-flopped on abortion in order to curry favor, quite transparently, with the hateful bigots of the RRR Cult... the pseudo-Religious Radical Right. Most people know that he used to be sensibly and honorably Pro-Choice. And Pro-Choicers (i.e., egalitarians) simply do not suddenly turn overnight into sociopaths who support a loathsome agenda that seeks to force girls and women to gestate-to-term against their will... a very real, 9-month-long form of rape. Not without having something pathologically wrong with their brains. So he obviously is faking it in a desperate attempt to glean support from that tiny minority of bigots that the Republicans seem to regard as their "base." (Out of 300,000,000 Americans, only a mere 5% are RRR cultists. That's only 15 million people. And not all of them vote.)
And he further is stupid enough to think that same-sex marriage (SSM) could actually do some sort of harm to the marriages of opposite-sex couples. And therefore, to "protect" opposite-sex marriage (OSM), it's necessary for people to pass so-called "Defense of Marriage Acts" all over the place. And he even supports the passage of a Constitutional Amendment to that effect. (Which, of course, in order to succeed, would require that the vast majority of Americans would have to be hateful, mindless, or both.)
Personally, I have yet to hear of even so much as one single way that any opposite-sex couple's marriage could be adversely affected by any same-sex couple's having gotten legally married in Massachusetts, Canada, or Europe -- or if SSM were to become fully legalized throughout the USA. Have you? So the enactment of such an amendment would hatefully and ignorantly exclude from marriage hundreds of thousands of people who don't deserve to be excluded any more than interracial couples once were.By the way -- SSM technically is legal in all of the USA, for the same reason that Massachusetts' Supreme Court recognized that it was legal, there. There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that would exclude same-sex couples from marrying. Once that becomes fully realized, as happened for interracial couples, that will be that. (And by a few weeks later, just as we saw in 1967, hardly anyone will whine about it anymore.)
So as for Romney, the last thing America needs is to have another bigot as its President. Eight years of that (under GW Bush) is far more than enough!
So what we have in Mitt Romney is an inconsistent and dishonest dolt who thinks his millions of dollars and his lies can leverage him into the White House. Well -- the really scary part of that is that this formula worked perfectly for the Warmonger-in-Thief who currently and dishonestly occupies that residence.
Suppose Mitt Romney were running for dogcatcher, instead. That wouldn't be good, either.
Then we'd have to have real concern for the well-being of dogs.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Dumb Cluck MITT ROMNEY doesn't even know that Hillary is a Democrat!
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