Friday, November 9, 2007

Beware of Desperate Republicans! Dirty Tricks are their stock-in-trade!

It's about the only way they can win important elections, and retain power. By conning enough ignorant people to go to the polls for them, lest the common-sense Americans win the day.
I love this commentary which was posted in the Internet, by a gay person, in anonymity (unfortunately... I wish I could give him or her proper credit for it!), to exemplify those tactics:
"To be successful Republicans need some one or something to hate. In the 1950s and ‘60s it was the Communist threat and Communist dupes in the government. In addition, there were "outside agitators" demonstrating for Civil Rights. In the 1980s it was big government and deficit spending, and in the 1990s it was the feminist threat to make everyone use unisex toilets, and birth control by abortion; now it's our turn! We threaten Christianity and the "traditional" family with complete and utter destruction. Look at the bright side. We are now the most powerful group in society! I keep wondering with all of this power how come same-sex marriage is not a fact of life in all the states and territories of the U.S.?
"People complain about negative political advertising. Yet it works to sway voters and win elections. And, [in a rare case of hateful tactics by Democrats], it worked in 1964 when the Johnson campaign used the "Daisy Commercial" to strike fear into the hearts of all human beings that if Goldwater got elected he would unleash an atomic war that would wipe out humanity. Then there was the Willie Horton ad [aired by Republicans] in the 1988 campaign that used race to invoke the same kind of fear. Now it's our turn to become the hated group du jour. There isn't a thing any one can do about it because these kind of attacks are useful to win elections. They always have been and they always will be."
In addition to the points he/she made, above, I also remind everyone of Watergate, the Thanksgiving Day, 2000 intimidation of vote-counters in Palm Beach County by bussed-in THUGS, on the part of Bush's operatives... and the Republicans' "Swift-Boating" of John Kerry in 2004.
The Republican Party, purveyor of the vast majority of such dishonest acts of desperation, is NOT a party for the intellegent and the sensible. As fair-minded and honest progressives, egalitarians need to repudiate, nullify and neutralize these hateful and dishonest tactics AS they surface. Without delay! Before the ignorant can fall for such lies.

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